Following the release of the Draft National Education Policy (DNEP) 2019 there has been extensive discussion amongst the public about its suitability.

Following the initial one month feed back period, an extension was made for another month till end July following public pressure.

AIPSN constituted a national committee made up of individuals who had extensive experience in field of education  from its member organisations to go into the DNEP2019 and give the feedback.

The document was then discussed and approved by a meeting of AIPSN . This was sent as section wise feedback via the MHRD website and by email to MHRD .

The document has been now uploaded in the AIPSN website for use by its member organisations and the public. In addition two other shorter documents giving the summary of the main points raised

and a point list of an Alternate National Education Policy proposal from AIPSN are made available.

Following the release of the shortened DNEP2020 , AIPSN put out a public response to it. The longer version and a shorter version are uploaded in website